Benefits for Members
The Associazione Accademica Internazionale di Alta Formazione Vocale e Artistica Mario del Monaco was founded with the intention of promoting high-level educational and cultural workshops and events, utilising renowned Professionals, starting from the workshops for stage improvement with Maestro Giancarlo del Monaco. By paying the annual fee of €120.00 (which students can also pay in monthly instalments of €10.00), members gain the right to benefit from the offered discounts and/or free participation in artistic projects organised by and with the Association. A personal membership card is issued, valid for the current year, renewable, personal, and non-transferable, which must be kept in order to be shown to access the associated privileges for educational activities, masterclasses, shows, etc. Membership, whether by Academy students or ordinary and supporting members, undeniably offers great convenience in terms of lowering the cost of attending educational and entertainment events.